

Shape.find_limbs(self, scan_center_dir, scan_dirs, observer_position=None)

The method determines the limb points (visible edge of the shape) that would be an observed for an observer located at observer_position looking toward scan_center_dir along the directions given by scan_dirs.

Typically it is assumed that the location of the observer is at the origin of the current frame and therefore observer_position can be left as None.

The returned limbs are expressed as vectors from the observer to the limb point in the current frame.

  • scan_center_dir (np.ndarray) – the unit vector which the scan is to begin at in the current frame as a length 3 array

  • scan_dirs (np.ndarray) – the unit vectors along with the scan is to proceed as a 3xn array in the current frame where each column represents a new limb point we wish to find (should be nearly orthogonal to the scan_center_dir in most cases).

  • observer_position (Optional[np.ndarray]) – The location of the observer in the current frame. If None then it is assumed the observer is at the origin of the current frame


the vectors from the observer to the limbs in the current frame as a 3xn array

Return type:
