

IterativeGeneralizedGaussianWBackground.evaluate(x, y)

This method evaluates the PSF at the given x and y.

This method is not intended to be used to apply the PSF for an image (use the callable capability of the class instead for this). Instead it simply computes the height of the PSF above the xy-plane at the requested locations.

Specifically, this method computes

\[z = f(x, y) = A e^{\left(-\left[a(x-x_0)^2 + 2b (x-x_0)(y-y_0) + c (y-y_0)^2\right]\right)}\]
  • x (Sequence | ndarray) – The x locations the height of the PSF is to be calculated at.

  • y (Sequence | ndarray) – The y locations the height of the PSF is to be calculated at.


A numpy array containing the height of the PSF at the requested locations the same shape as x and y.

Return type:
