

IterativeGaussianWBackground.apply_1d_sized(image_1d, size, direction=None, step=1)

Applies the defined PSF using the stored parameters to the 1D image scans provided with a given kernel size.

image_1d can be a 2D array but in that case each row will be treated as an independent 1D scan.

For non-symmetric PSFs, a direction argument can be supplied which should be the direction in the image of each scan line. This can be used to determine the appropriate cross-section of the PSF to use for applying to the 1D scans (if applicable). If no direction is provided then the x direction [1, 0] is assumed.

This method works by sampling the PSF in the (optionally) specified direction(s) centered around the centroid of the PSF according to the input size. These kernels are then applied to the input scan lines using a Fourier transform, and the resulting scan lines are returned.

  • image_1d (ndarray) – The scan line(s) to be blurred using the PSF

  • size (int) – The size of the kernel to use when convolving the PSF with the scan line

  • direction (ndarray | None) – The direction for the 1D cross section of the PSF. This should be either None, a length 2 array, or a shape nx2 array where n is the number of scan lines

  • step (Real) – The step size of the lines being blurred.


an array containing the input after blurring with the defined PSF

Return type:
