

IterativeGaussian.apply_1d(image_1d, direction=None, step=1)

Applies the defined PSF using the stored parameters to the 1D image scans provided.

image_1d can be a 2D array but in that case each row will be treated as an independent 1D scan.

For non-symmetric PSFs, a direction argument can be supplied which should be the direction in the image of each scan line. This can be used to determine the appropriate cross-section of the PSF to use for applying to the 1D scans (if applicable). If no direction is provided then the x direction [1, 0] is assumed.

  • image_1d (ndarray) – The scan line(s) to be blurred using the PSF

  • direction (ndarray | None) – The direction for the 1D cross section of the PSF. This should be either None, a length 2 array, or a shape nx2 array where n is the number of scan lines

  • step (Real) – The step size of the lines being blurred.


an array containing the input after blurring with the defined PSF

Return type:
