


Generates a square kernel centered at the centroid of the PSF normalized to have a volume (sum) of 1 for the size input or specified in the size attribute.

Essentially this evaluates \(z = f(x, y)\) for x in \([x_0-size//2, x_0+size//2]\) and y in \([y_0-size//2, y_0+size//2]\) where x0 is the x location of the centroid of the PSF and y0 is the y location of the centroid of the PSF.

The resulting values are then normalized to sum to 1 so that the result can be applied using convolution without changing the overall signal level.


size (int | None) – The size of the kernel to generate (ie return a (size, size) shaped array). Overrides the size attribute.


A normalized kernel of the PSF centered at the centroid