

OwenModel.distort_pixels(pixels, temperature=0)

A method that takes gnomic pixel locations in units of pixels and applies the appropriate distortion to them.

This method is used in the distortion_map() method to generate the distortion values for each pixel.

The distortion is applied by first converting the pixels to gnomic location by multiplying by the inverse camera matrix, second applying the distortion to the gnomic locations using apply_distortion(), and third reconverting to pixel units using the intrinsic_matrix and temperature scale.

In general this method is not used directly by the user and instead the distortion_map() method is used to generate a distortion map for the camera model

  • pixels (Sequence | ndarray) – The pinhole location pixel locations the distortion is to be applied to

  • temperature (Real) – The temperature to perform the distortion at


The distorted pixel locations in units of pixels