
This module defines the Camera object for GIANT, which collects information about a camera and images captured by that camera in a single place and provides some methods for filtering, sorting, and handling the images.

A camera object is used to collect various pieces of data about a camera in a single place, such as a CameraModel, a list of OpNavImage objects captured by the camera, a function representing the point spread function of the camera, and some other pieces of information about the camera and images that are used throughout the other GIANT routines. By collecting all this data into a single object, the interface for individual components of GIANT is unified.

In addition to collecting much of the information GIANT requires in a single location, camera objects provide some capabilities to make managing image sets easier. These capabilities include things like the ability to turn an image (or a set of images) off, so it is no longer considered in the GIANT estimation and measurement routines (and also the ability to turn images back on), the ability to quickly add new images to be considered by only supplying the path to the files, the ability to override some of the metadata in the images based off of an external file (like the attitude of the camera), and also the ability to apply a preprocessor to all images (where you can reorient the image, remove bad pixels, subtract a flat field, etc..).



This class collects images, the CameraModel, and some relevant metadata about the camera into a single object for passing to the GIANT estimators and measurements.


This enumeration provides options for performing quaternion updates on short exposure images using long exposure images.