

Tycho2.query_catalogue_raw(ids=None, min_ra=0, max_ra=360, min_dec=-90, max_dec=90, min_visual_mag=-4, max_visual_mag=20, search_center=None, search_radius=None)[source]

This method queries stars from the catalogue that meet specified constraints and returns them as a DataFrame where the columns are the raw catalogue columns.

Stars can either be queried by ID directly or by right ascension/declination/magnitude. You cannot filter using both with this method. This method is not usable by GIANT and it does not apply proper motion. If you need records that are usable by GIANT and with proper motion applied see query_catalogue(). For details on what the columns are refer to the Tycho 2 documentation (can be found online).

  • ids (Sequence | ndarray | None) – A sequence of star ids to retrieve from the catalogue. The ids are given by string and should be '{TYC1} {TYC2} {TYC3}' where TYC* are the 3 components of the Tycho ID of the star.

  • min_ra (Real) – The minimum ra bound to query stars from in degrees

  • max_ra (Real) – The maximum ra bound to query stars from in degrees

  • min_dec (Real) – The minimum declination to query stars from in degrees

  • max_dec (Real) – The maximum declination to query stars from in degrees

  • min_visual_mag (Real) – The minimum visual magnitude to query stars from. Recall that magnitude is inverse (so lower magnitude is a dimmer star)

  • max_visual_mag (Real) – The maximum visual magnitude to query stars from. Recall that magnitude is inverse (so higher magnitude is a dimmer star)

  • search_center (Sequence | ndarray | None) – The center of a search cone as a ra/dec pair.

  • search_radius (Real | None) – The radius about the center of the search cone


A Pandas dataframe with the original columns form the star catalogue.

Return type:
