

static GIANTCatalogue.get_ucac4_record(stars, ucac_directory=None)[source]

This method can be used to retrieve the corresponding full (not GIANT) UCAC4 records for a set of GIANT catalogue stars.

This method requires that the UCAC4 catalogue be available, and will request to download it if it is not (which takes a long time). For a description of the columns refer to the UCAC4 documentation.

Note that these records are not directly usable for GIANT, therefore only use this if you need the raw records yourself.

Any stars that are not available in the UCAC4 catalogue (blended stars) will be included in the output dataframe but with NANs for all columns

  • stars (DataFrame) – The UCAC4 records for the stars

  • ucac_directory (Path | str | None) – The directory containing the UCAC4 star catalogue files (or None to use the default)


The raw UCAC4 records

Return type:
