

BrownModel.pixels_to_gnomic_interp(pixels, temperature=0)

This method takes an input in pixels and approximates the undistorted gnomic location in units of distance.

This approximating is done by interpolating values previously computed using pixels_to_gnomic() and prepare_interp() and will in general run much faster than pixels_to_gnomic(). It should usually be accurate to better than a few thousandths of a pixel for any pixels within the field of view. The interpolation is done using SciPy’s RegularGridInterpolator with a linear interpolation scheme.

  • pixels (Sequence | ndarray) – The pixels to be converted as a shape (2,) or (2, n) Sequence

  • temperature (Real) – The temperature for perform the conversion at.


The undistorted gnomic location of the points

Return type:
