Source code for giant.utilities.random_combination

# Copyright 2021 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space
# Administration.  No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S. Code. All Other Rights Reserved.

Provides an iterator for generating unique random combinations from a population where order doesn't matter.

This is useful for performing RANSAC analysis as it ensures that the same sample sets are not chosen multiple times.

from typing import Union

from itertools import combinations
from random import sample

    from scipy.special import comb

except ImportError:
    from scipy.misc import comb

from .._typing import ARRAY_LIKE

[docs]class RandomCombinations: def __init__(self, population: Union[int, ARRAY_LIKE], combo_length: int, number_of_combos: int): """ Iterate over ``number_of_combos`` random combinations of ``combo_length`` from ``population``. This iterator ensures unique combinations are returned. If more combinations are requested than are possible then an exhaustive list is returned :param population: The population to choose from. If specified as an integer then the population will be range(int). :param combo_length: The length for each combination as an integer :param number_of_combos: the number of unique combinations you want as an integer """ if isinstance(population, int): population = range(population) int_population = population else: int_population = range(len(population)) self.population = population self.int_population = int_population self.combo_length = combo_length self.possible_combos = int(comb(len(self.population), self.combo_length)) self.number_of_combos = number_of_combos def __iter__(self) -> tuple: if self.number_of_combos >= self.possible_combos: for combo in combinations(self.population, self.combo_length): yield combo else: used_samples = set() for _ in range(self.number_of_combos): new_sample = tuple(sorted(sample(self.int_population, self.combo_length))) while new_sample in used_samples: new_sample = tuple(sorted(sample(self.int_population, self.combo_length))) used_samples.add(new_sample) yield tuple(self.population[ind] for ind in new_sample)