Source code for giant.stellar_opnav.stellar_class

# Copyright 2021 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space
# Administration.  No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S. Code. All Other Rights Reserved.

This module provides a subclass of the :class:`.OpNav` class for performing stellar OpNav.

Interface Description

In GIANT, Stellar OpNav refers to the process of identifying stars in an image and then extracting the attitude
information from those stars.  This module combines these two processes into the single process of Stellar OpNav.

The :class:`StellarOpNav` class is the main interface for performing stellar OpNav in GIANT, and in general is all
the user will need to interact with in order to process the images.  It provides direct access to the
:class:`.ImageProcessing`, :class:`.StarID`, and :mod:`.stellar_opnav.estimators` objects and automatically performs the
required data transfer between the objects for you.  To begin you simply provide the :class:`StellarOpNav` constructor
a :class:`.Camera` instance, a :class:`.ImageProcessing` instance or the keyword arguments to creation one,
a :class:`.StarID` instance or the keyword arguments to creation one, and the attitude estimation object you wish to use
to perform the attitude estimation. You can then use the :class:`StellarOpNav` instance to perform all of the aspects of
stellar OpNav with never having to interact with the internal objects again.

For example, we could do something like the following (from the directory containing ``sample_data`` as generated by a
call to :mod:`.generate_sample_data`):

    >>> import pickle
    >>> from giant.stellar_opnav import StellarOpNav
    >>> with open('sample_data/camera.pickle', 'rb') as in_file:
    ...     camera = pickle.load(in_file)
    >>> camera.only_long_on()
    >>> my_sid = StellarOpNav(camera)
    >>> my_sid.id_stars()  # id the stars for each image
    >>> my_sid.sid_summary()  # print out a summary of the star identification success for each image
    >>> my_sid.estimate_attitude()  # estimate an updated attitude for each image

In order to identify stars and estimate the image attitude based off of those stars for all of our images.

For a more general description of the steps needed to perform stellar OpNav, refer to the :mod:`.stellar_opnav`
documentation.  For a more in-depth examination of the :class:`.StellarOpNav` class continue through the following class

import warnings

import time

from typing import Union, Iterable, List, Optional

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from matplotlib.path import Path

from giant.stellar_opnav import estimators as est
from giant.stellar_opnav.star_identification import StarID
from giant.utilities.outlier_identifier import get_outliers
from giant.opnav_class import OpNav
from import Camera
from giant.image_processing import ImageProcessing
from giant.ray_tracer.scene import Scene
from giant._typing import ARRAY_LIKE, ARRAY_LIKE_2D, PATH, Real, NONEARRAY

_ANGLES: np.ndarray = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 360)
An internal array used for checking for interior points in extended bodies.

_SCAN_VECTORS: np.ndarray = np.vstack([np.cos(_ANGLES), np.sin(_ANGLES), np.zeros(_ANGLES.size)])
An internal array used for checking for interior points in extended bodies.

[docs]class StellarOpNav(OpNav): """ This class serves as the main user interface for performing Stellar Optical Navigation. The class acts as a container for the :class:`.Camera`, :class:`.ImageProcessing`, and :mod:`.stellar_opnav.estimators` objects and also passes the correct and up-to-date data from one object to the other. In general, this class will be the exclusive interface to the mentioned objects and models for the user. This class provides a number of features that make doing stellar OpNav easy. The first is it provides aliases to the image processing, star id, and attitude estimation objects. These aliases make it easy to quickly change/update the various tuning parameters that are necessary to make star identification a success. In addition to providing convenient access to the underlying settings, some of these aliases also update internal flags that specify whether individual images need to be reprocessed, saving computation time when you're trying to find the best tuning. This class also provides simple methods for performing star identification and attitude estimation after you have set the tuning parameters. These methods (:meth:`id_stars`, :meth:`sid_summary`, and :meth:`estimate_attitude`) combine all of the required steps into a few simple calls, and pass the resulting data from one object to the next. They also store off the results of the star identification in the :attr:`queried_catalogue_star_records`, :attr:`queried_catalogue_image_points`, :attr:`queried_catalogue_unit_vectors`, :attr:`ip_extracted_image_points`, :attr:`ip_image_illums`, :attr:`ip_psfs`, :attr:`ip_stats`, :attr:`ip_snrs` :attr:`unmatched_catalogue_image_points`, :attr:`unmatched_image_illums`, :attr:`unmatched_psfs`, :attr:`unmatched_stats`, :attr:`unmatched_snrs` :attr:`unmatched_catalogue_star_records`, :attr:`unmatched_catalogue_unit_vectors`, :attr:`unmatched_extracted_image_points`, :attr:`matched_catalogue_image_points`, :attr:`matched_image_illums`, :attr:`matched_psfs`, :attr:`matched_stats`, :attr:`matched_snrs` :attr:`matched_catalogue_star_records`, :attr:`matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_inertial`, :attr:`matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_camera`, and :attr:`matched_extracted_image_points` attributes, enabling more advanced analysis to be performed external to the class. Finally, this class stores the updated attitude solutions in the image objects themselves, allowing you to directly pass your images from stellar OpNav to the :mod:`.relative_opnav` routines with updated attitude solutions. It also respects the :attr:`.image_mask` attribute of the :class:`.Camera` object, only considering images that are currently turned on. When initializing this class, most of the initial options can be set using the ``*_kwargs`` inputs with dictionaries specifying the keyword arguments and values. Alternatively, you can provide already initialized instances of the :class:`.ImageProcessing`, :class:`.AttitudeEstimator`, or :class:`.StarID` classes or subclasses if you want a little more control. You should see the documentation for the :class:`.ImageProcessing`, :class:`.AttitudeEstimator`, and :class:`.StarID` classes for more details on what you can specify. """ def __init__(self, camera: Camera, use_weights: bool = False, scene: Optional[Scene] = None, image_processing: Optional[ImageProcessing] = None, image_processing_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, star_id: Optional[StarID] = None, star_id_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, attitude_estimator: Optional[est.AttitudeEstimator] = None, attitude_estimator_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None): """ :param camera: The :class:`.Camera` object containing the camera model and images to be utilized :param use_weights: A flag specifying whether to use weighted estimation for attitude estimation :param scene: Optionally, a scene defining the targets that may be in the FOV of the camera used to reject points interior to a body as stars. If ``None`` then no attempt is made to reject points that might be interior to a body. If not ``None`` then we will attempt to reject these points using a priori knowledge :param image_processing: An already initialized instance of :class:`.ImageProcessing` (or a subclass). If not ``None`` then ``image_processing_kwargs`` are ignored. :param image_processing_kwargs: The keyword arguments to pass to the :class:`.ImageProcessing` class constructor. These are ignored if argument ``image_processing`` is not ``None`` :param star_id: An already initialized instance of :class:`.StarID` (or a subclass). If not ``None`` then ``star_id_kwargs`` are ignored. :param star_id_kwargs: The keyword arguments to pass to the :class:`.StarID` class constructor as a dictionary. These are ignored if argument ``star_id`` is not ``None``. :param attitude_estimator: An already initialized instance of :class:`.AttitudeEstimator` (or a subclass). If not ``None`` then ``attitude_estimator_kwargs`` are ignored. :param attitude_estimator_kwargs: The keyword arguments to pass to the :class:`.DavenportQMethod` constructor as a dictionary. If argument ``attitude_estimator`` is not ``None`` then this is ignored. """ # initialize the various objects we need for the star identification and attitude estimation super().__init__(camera, image_processing=image_processing, image_processing_kwargs=image_processing_kwargs) self.use_weights = use_weights # type: bool """ A flag specifying whether to compute weights/use them in the attitude estimation routine """ self.scene: Optional[Scene] = scene """ Optionally, a scene defining the targets that may be in the FOV of the camera used to reject points interior to a body as stars. If ``None`` then no attempt is made to reject points that might be interior to a body. If not ``None`` then we will attempt to reject these points using a priori knowledge. """ if star_id is None: if star_id_kwargs is not None: self._star_id = StarID(self._camera.model, **star_id_kwargs) else: self._star_id = StarID(self._camera.model) else: self._star_id = star_id if attitude_estimator is None: if attitude_estimator_kwargs is not None: self._attitude_est = est.DavenportQMethod(**attitude_estimator_kwargs) else: self._attitude_est = est.DavenportQMethod() else: self._attitude_est = attitude_estimator self._initial_star_id_kwargs = star_id_kwargs self._initial_attitude_est = self._attitude_est.__class__ self._initial_attitude_est_kwargs = attitude_estimator_kwargs # initialize the various lists for storing the results and specifying whether stars need to be extracted from # the images or not self.process_stars: List[bool] = [True] * len(self._camera.images) """ This list contains a boolean specifying whether the corresponding image needs to be processed using image processing again. This typically is automatically updated and you shouldn't have to worry about it. It is included for speed. """ self._ip_extracted_image_points: List[Optional[np.ndarray]] = [None] * len(self._camera.images) self._ip_image_illums: List[Optional[np.ndarray]] = [None] * len(self._camera.images) self._ip_psfs: List[Optional[np.ndarray]] = [None] * len(self._camera.images) self._ip_stats: List[Optional[np.ndarray]] = [None] * len(self._camera.images) self._ip_snrs: List[Optional[np.ndarray]] = [None] * len(self._camera.images) self._queried_catalogue_star_records: List[Optional[np.ndarray]] = [None] * len(self._camera.images) self._queried_catalogue_image_points: List[Optional[np.ndarray]] = [None] * len(self._camera.images) self._queried_catalogue_unit_vectors: List[Optional[np.ndarray]] = [None] * len(self._camera.images) self._queried_weights_inertial: List[Optional[np.ndarray]] = [None] * len(self._camera.images) self._queried_weights_picture: List[Optional[np.ndarray]] = [None] * len(self._camera.images) self._extracted_image_points: List[Optional[np.ndarray]] = [None] * len(self._camera.images) self._unmatched_catalogue_image_points: List[Optional[np.ndarray]] = [None] * len(self._camera.images) self._unmatched_catalogue_star_records: List[Optional[np.ndarray]] = [None] * len(self._camera.images) self._unmatched_catalogue_unit_vectors: List[Optional[np.ndarray]] = [None] * len(self._camera.images) self._unmatched_weights_inertial: List[Optional[np.ndarray]] = [None] * len(self._camera.images) self._unmatched_weights_picture: List[Optional[np.ndarray]] = [None] * len(self._camera.images) self._unmatched_extracted_image_points: List[Optional[np.ndarray]] = [None] * len(self._camera.images) self._unmatched_image_illums: List[Optional[np.ndarray]] = [None] * len(self._camera.images) self._unmatched_psfs: List[Optional[np.ndarray]] = [None] * len(self._camera.images) self._unmatched_ip_stats: List[Optional[np.ndarray]] = [None] * len(self._camera.images) self._unmatched_ip_snrs: List[Optional[np.ndarray]] = [None] * len(self._camera.images) self._matched_catalogue_image_points: List[Optional[np.ndarray]] = [None] * len(self._camera.images) self._matched_catalogue_star_records: List[Optional[np.ndarray]] = [None] * len(self._camera.images) self._matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_inertial: List[Optional[np.ndarray]] = [None] * len(self._camera.images) self._matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_camera: List[Optional[np.ndarray]] = [None] * len(self._camera.images) self._matched_weights_inertial: List[Optional[np.ndarray]] = [None] * len(self._camera.images) self._matched_weights_picture: List[Optional[np.ndarray]] = [None] * len(self._camera.images) self._matched_extracted_image_points: List[Optional[np.ndarray]] = [None] * len(self._camera.images) self._matched_image_illums: List[Optional[np.ndarray]] = [None] * len(self._camera.images) self._matched_psfs: List[Optional[np.ndarray]] = [None] * len(self._camera.images) self._matched_ip_stats: List[Optional[np.ndarray]] = [None] * len(self._camera.images) self._matched_ip_snrs: List[Optional[np.ndarray]] = [None] * len(self._camera.images) # ____________________________________________Camera Properties____________________________________________
[docs] def add_images(self, data: Union[Iterable[Union[PATH, ARRAY_LIKE_2D]], PATH, ARRAY_LIKE_2D], parse_data: bool = True, preprocessor: bool = True): """ This is essentially an alias to the :meth:`.Camera.add_images` method, but it also expands various lists to account for the new number of images. When you have already initialized a :class:`StellarOpNav` class you should *always* use this method to add images for consideration. The lists that are extended by this method are: * :attr:`ip_extracted_image_points` * :attr:`ip_image_illums` * :attr:`ip_psfs` * :attr:`ip_stats` * :attr:`ip_snrs` * :attr:`queried_catalogue_star_records` * :attr:`queried_catalogue_image_points` * :attr:`queried_catalogue_unit_vectors` * :attr:`queried_weights_inertial` * :attr:`queried_weights_picture` * :attr:`unmatched_catalogue_star_records` * :attr:`unmatched_catalogue_image_points` * :attr:`unmatched_catalogue_unit_vectors` * :attr:`unmatched_extracted_image_points` * :attr:`unmatched_psfs` * :attr:`unmatched_stats` * :attr:`unmatched_snrs` * :attr:`unmatched_image_illums` * :attr:`unmatched_weights_inertial` * :attr:`unmatched_weights_picture` * :attr:`matched_catalogue_star_records` * :attr:`matched_catalogue_image_points` * :attr:`matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_inertial` * :attr:`matched_extracted_image_points` * :attr:`matched_weights_inertial` * :attr:`matched_weights_picture` * :attr:`matched_psfs` * :attr:`matched_stats` * :attr:`matched_snrs` * :attr:`matched_image_illums` * :attr:`matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_camera` * :attr:`process_stars` See the :meth:`.Camera.add_images` for a description of the valid input for `data` :param data: The image data to be stored in the :attr:`.images` list :param parse_data: A flag to specify whether to attempt to parse the metadata automatically for the images :param preprocessor: A flag to specify whether to run the preprocessor after loading an image. """ super().add_images(data, parse_data=parse_data, preprocessor=preprocessor) if isinstance(data, (list, tuple)): for _ in data: self._ip_extracted_image_points.append(None) self._ip_image_illums.append(None) self._ip_psfs.append(None) self._ip_stats.append(None) self._ip_snrs.append(None) self.process_stars.append(True) self._queried_catalogue_star_records.append(None) self._queried_catalogue_image_points.append(None) self._queried_catalogue_unit_vectors.append(None) self._queried_weights_inertial.append(None) self._queried_weights_picture.append(None) self._unmatched_catalogue_star_records.append(None) self._unmatched_catalogue_image_points.append(None) self._unmatched_catalogue_unit_vectors.append(None) self._unmatched_extracted_image_points.append(None) self._unmatched_psfs.append(None) self._unmatched_image_illums.append(None) self._unmatched_weights_inertial.append(None) self._unmatched_weights_picture.append(None) self._unmatched_ip_stats.append(None) self._unmatched_ip_snrs.append(None) self._matched_catalogue_star_records.append(None) self._matched_catalogue_image_points.append(None) self._matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_inertial.append(None) self._matched_extracted_image_points.append(None) self._matched_weights_inertial.append(None) self._matched_weights_picture.append(None) self._matched_psfs.append(None) self._matched_image_illums.append(None) self._matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_camera.append(None) self._matched_ip_stats.append(None) self._matched_ip_snrs.append(None) else: self._ip_extracted_image_points.append(None) self._ip_image_illums.append(None) self._ip_psfs.append(None) self._ip_stats.append(None) self._ip_snrs.append(None) self.process_stars.append(True) self._queried_catalogue_star_records.append(None) self._queried_catalogue_image_points.append(None) self._queried_catalogue_unit_vectors.append(None) self._queried_weights_inertial.append(None) self._queried_weights_picture.append(None) self._unmatched_catalogue_star_records.append(None) self._unmatched_catalogue_image_points.append(None) self._unmatched_catalogue_unit_vectors.append(None) self._unmatched_extracted_image_points.append(None) self._unmatched_psfs.append(None) self._unmatched_image_illums.append(None) self._unmatched_weights_inertial.append(None) self._unmatched_weights_picture.append(None) self._unmatched_ip_stats.append(None) self._unmatched_ip_snrs.append(None) self._matched_catalogue_star_records.append(None) self._matched_catalogue_image_points.append(None) self._matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_inertial.append(None) self._matched_extracted_image_points.append(None) self._matched_weights_inertial.append(None) self._matched_weights_picture.append(None) self._matched_psfs.append(None) self._matched_ip_stats.append(None) self._matched_ip_snrs.append(None) self._matched_image_illums.append(None) self._matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_camera.append(None)
@OpNav.model.setter def model(self, val): # don't know why we can't dispatch here... self._camera.model = val self._star_id.model = val # ____________________________________________ Aliases ____________________________________________ @property def star_id(self): """ The StarID instance to use when doing star identification This should be an instance of the :class:`.StarID` class. See the :class:`.StarID` class documentation for more details """ return self._star_id @star_id.setter def star_id(self, val): if isinstance(val, StarID): self._star_id = val else: warnings.warn("The star_id object should probably subclass the StarID class\n" "We'll assume you know what you're doing for now, but " "see the StarID documentation for details") self._star_id = val @property def attitude_estimator(self): """ The attitude estimator to use in the RANSAC algorithm This should typically be an instance of the :class:`.DavenportQMethod` class. See the :class:`.DavenportQMethod` class documentation for more details """ return self._attitude_est @attitude_estimator.setter def attitude_estimator(self, val): if isinstance(val, est.DavenportQMethod): self._attitude_est = val else: warnings.warn("The star_id object should probably subclass the DavenportQMethod class\n" "We'll assume you know what you're doing for now, but " "see the DavenportQMethod documentation for details") self._attitude_est = val @OpNav.image_processing.getter def image_processing(self) -> ImageProcessing: """ The ImageProcessing instance to use when doing image processing on the images This must be an instance of the :class:`.ImageProcessing` class. See the :class:`.ImageProcessing` class documentation for more details """ for ind in range(len(self.process_stars)): self.process_stars[ind] = True return self._image_processing # ___________________________________________________ PROPERTIES ______________________________________________ # queried information @property def queried_catalogue_star_records(self) -> List[Optional[pd.DataFrame]]: """ This list contains all of the star records queried from the star catalogue for each image in :attr:`camera` for the most recent query to star catalogue (this gets overwritten when the star catalogue is re-queried for the image) Each list element is a pandas DataFrame containing GIANT star records. A GIANT star record has the following columns: ===================== ======== ================================================================================= column units description ===================== ======== ================================================================================= `'ra'` deg The right ascension of the star after correcting for proper motion `'dec'` deg The declination of the star after correcting for proper motion `'distance'` km The distance to the star from the Solar system barycenter (converted from parallax). This column has a default value of 5.428047027e15 if no parallax information is provided by the catalogue. `'ra_proper_motion'` deg/year The proper motion for the right ascension `'dec_proper_motion'` deg/year The proper motion for the declination `'mag'` N/A The apparent magnitude of the star according to the star catalogue `'ra_sigma'` deg The formal uncertainty in the right ascension according to the catalogue `'dec_sigma'` deg The formal uncertainty in the declination according to the catalogue `'distance_sigma'` km The formal uncertainty in the distance according to the catalogue (converted from parallax). This has a default value of 1.9949433041226756e+19 km for stars with no parallax information. `'ra_pm_sigma'` deg/year The formal uncertainty in the right ascension proper motion according to the catalogue `'dec_pm_sigma'` deg/year The formal uncertainty in the declination proper motion according to the catalogue ===================== ======== ================================================================================= Each row of the data frame represents a star record. Each row of the DataFrame matches to the corresponding column in the :attr:`queried_catalogue_unit_vectors` and :attr:`queried_catalogue_image_points` arrays. This list should always be the same length as the :attr:`.Camera.images` list and each element of this list corresponds to the image in the same element in the :attr:`.Camera.images` list. """ return self._queried_catalogue_star_records @property def queried_catalogue_image_points(self) -> List[Optional[np.ndarray]]: """ This list contains the projections of all of the star records queried from the star catalogue for each image in :attr:`camera` from the most recent query to star catalogue (this gets overwritten when the star catalogue is re-queried for the image, and also when the attitude is updated for an image). Each list element is a 2xn array of image points with the x locations (columns) down the first row and the y locations (rows) down the second row. Each column of the array matches to the corresponding column in the :attr:`queried_catalogue_unit_vectors` array and the corresponding row in the :attr:`queried_catalogue_star_records` DataFrame. This list should always be the same length as the :attr:`.Camera.images` list and each element of this list corresponds to the image in the same element in the :attr:`.Camera.images` list. """ return self._queried_catalogue_image_points @property def queried_catalogue_unit_vectors(self) -> List[Optional[np.ndarray]]: """ This list contains the inertial unit vectors of all of the star records queried from the star catalogue for each image in :attr:`camera` from the most recent query to star catalogue (this gets overwritten when the star catalogue is re-queried for the image). The unit vectors are the directions to the stars after correcting for proper motion, stellar aberration, and parallax. Each list element is a 3xn array of unit vectors with each unit vector stored as a column. Each column of the array matches to the corresponding column in the :attr:`queried_catalogue_image_points` array and the corresponding row in the :attr:`queried_catalogue_star_records` DataFrame. This list should always be the same length as the :attr:`.Camera.images` list and each element of this list corresponds to the image in the same element in the :attr:`.Camera.images` list. """ return self._queried_catalogue_unit_vectors @property def queried_weights_inertial(self) -> List[Optional[np.ndarray]]: """ This list contains the uncertainty of all of the star records queried from the star catalogue for each image in :attr:`camera` from the most recent query to star catalogue (this gets overwritten when the star catalogue is re-queried for the image). The uncertainties are based on the formal uncertainty of the star location according to the star catalogue and are for the unit vector representation. A single value is provided for each unit vector representing the sum of the squares of the uncertainty (the trace of the covariance matrix). Each element of the array matches to the corresponding column in the :attr:`queried_catalogue_image_points` array and the corresponding row in the :attr:`queried_catalogue_star_records` DataFrame. This list should always be the same length as the :attr:`.Camera.images` list and each element of this list corresponds to the image in the same element in the :attr:`.Camera.images` list. """ return self._queried_weights_inertial @property def queried_weights_picture(self) -> List[Optional[np.ndarray]]: """ This list contains the uncertainty of all of the star records queried from the star catalogue for each image in :attr:`camera` from the most recent query to star catalogue (this gets overwritten when the star catalogue is re-queried for the image). The uncertainties are based on the formal uncertainty of the star location according to the star catalogue and are for the pixel representation of the star location. A single value is provided for each unit vector representing the sum of the squares of the uncertainty (the trace of the covariance matrix). Each element of the array matches to the corresponding column in the :attr:`queried_catalogue_image_points` array and the corresponding row in the :attr:`queried_catalogue_star_records` DataFrame. This list should always be the same length as the :attr:`.Camera.images` list and each element of this list corresponds to the image in the same element in the :attr:`.Camera.images` list. """ return self._queried_weights_picture @property def ip_extracted_image_points(self) -> List[Optional[np.ndarray]]: """ This list contains all of the image points of interest that were identified by the image processing routines for all of the images in :attr:`camera` from the most recent processing of the image (this gets overwritten when the image is reprocessed through the image processing routines). Each list element is a 2xn array of image points with the x locations (cols) down the first row and the y locations (rows) down the second row. Each column of this array matches with the corresponding row in the :attr:`ip_image_illums` array. This list should always be the same length as the :attr:`.Camera.images` list and each element of this list corresponds to the image in the same element in the :attr:`.Camera.images` list. """ return self._ip_extracted_image_points @property def ip_image_illums(self) -> List[Optional[np.ndarray]]: """ This list contains the DN values of the pixels containing the image points of interest for each image in :attr:`camera` that were identified by the image processing routines as potential stars (this gets overwritten when the image is reprocessed through the image processing routines). Each list element is a length n array of image DN values. Each row of the array matches to the corresponding column in the :attr:`ip_extracted_image_points` array. This list should always be the same length as the :attr:`.Camera.images` list and each element of this list corresponds to the image in the same element in the :attr:`.Camera.images` list. """ return self._ip_image_illums @property def ip_psfs(self) -> List[Optional[np.ndarray]]: """ This list contains point spread function object for each object identified as a potential star for each image in :attr:`camera` that were identified by the image processing routines as potential stars (this gets overwritten when the image is reprocessed through the image processing routines). This list is only updated if :attr:`.ImageProcessing.save_psf` is set to ``True``. Each list element is a length n array of PSF objects. Each element of the array matches to the corresponding column in the :attr:`ip_extracted_image_points` array. This list should always be the same length as the :attr:`.Camera.images` list and each element of this list corresponds to the image in the same element in the :attr:`.Camera.images` list. """ return self._ip_psfs @property def ip_stats(self) -> List[Optional[np.ndarray]]: """ This list contains the connected component stats for each object identified as a potential star for each image in :attr:`camera` that were identified by the image processing routines as potential stars (this gets overwritten when the image is reprocessed through the image processing routines). Each list element is a length n list of stats. Each element of the list matches to the corresponding column in the :attr:`ip_extracted_image_points` array. This list should always be the same length as the :attr:`.Camera.images` list and each element of this list corresponds to the image in the same element in the :attr:`.Camera.images` list. """ return self._ip_stats @property def ip_snrs(self) -> List[Optional[np.ndarray]]: """ This list contains the peak snr value for each object identified as a potential star for each image in :attr:`camera` that were identified by the image processing routines as potential stars (this gets overwritten when the image is reprocessed through the image processing routines). Each list element is a length n list of SNR values. Each element of the sublist matches to the corresponding column in the :attr:`ip_extracted_image_points` array. This list should always be the same length as the :attr:`.Camera.images` list and each element of this list corresponds to the image in the same element in the :attr:`.Camera.images` list. """ return self._ip_snrs # unmatched information @property def unmatched_catalogue_star_records(self) -> List[Optional[pd.DataFrame]]: """ This list contains the star records queried from the star catalogue that were not matched with an image point of interest for each image in :attr:`camera` for the most recent star identification attempt (this gets overwritten when a new attempt is made at identifying the stars in the image) Each list element is a pandas DataFrame containing GIANT star records. A GIANT star record has the following columns: ===================== ======== ================================================================================= column units description ===================== ======== ================================================================================= `'ra'` deg The right ascension of the star after correcting for proper motion `'dec'` deg The declination of the star after correcting for proper motion `'distance'` km The distance to the star from the Solar system barycenter (converted from parallax). This column has a default value of 5.428047027e15 if no parallax information is provided by the catalogue. `'ra_proper_motion'` deg/year The proper motion for the right ascension `'dec_proper_motion'` deg/year The proper motion for the declination `'mag'` N/A The apparent magnitude of the star according to the star catalogue `'ra_sigma'` deg The formal uncertainty in the right ascension according to the catalogue `'dec_sigma'` deg The formal uncertainty in the declination according to the catalogue `'distance_sigma'` km The formal uncertainty in the distance according to the catalogue (converted from parallax). This has a default value of 1.9949433041226756e+19 km for stars with no parallax information. `'ra_pm_sigma'` deg/year The formal uncertainty in the right ascension proper motion according to the catalogue `'dec_pm_sigma'` deg/year The formal uncertainty in the declination proper motion according to the catalogue ===================== ======== ================================================================================= Each row of the data frame represents a star record. Each row of the DataFrame matches to the corresponding column in the :attr:`unmatched_catalogue_unit_vectors` and :attr:`unmatched_catalogue_image_points` arrays. This list should always be the same length as the :attr:`.Camera.images` list and each element of this list corresponds to the image in the same element in the :attr:`.Camera.images` list. """ return self._unmatched_catalogue_star_records @property def unmatched_catalogue_image_points(self) -> List[Optional[np.ndarray]]: """ This list contains the projections of the star records queried from the star catalogue that were not matched with an image point of interest for each image in :attr:`camera` from the most recent star identification attempt (this gets overwritten when a new attempt is made at identifying the stars in the image, and also when a new attitude is solved for the image). Each list element is a 2xn array of image points with the x locations (columns) down the first row and the y locations (rows) down the second row. Each column of the array matches to the corresponding column in the :attr:`unmatched_catalogue_unit_vectors` array and the corresponding row in the :attr:`unmatched_catalogue_star_records` DataFrame. This list should always be the same length as the :attr:`.Camera.images` list and each element of this list corresponds to the image in the same element in the :attr:`.Camera.images` list. """ return self._unmatched_catalogue_image_points @property def unmatched_catalogue_unit_vectors(self) -> List[Optional[np.ndarray]]: """ This list contains the inertial unit vectors of the star records queried from the star catalogue that were not matched with an image point of interest for each image in :attr:`camera` from the most recent star identification attempt (this gets overwritten when a new attempt is made at identifying the stars in the image). The unit vectors are the directions to the stars after correcting for proper motion, stellar aberration, and parallax. Each list element is a 3xn array of unit vectors with each unit vector stored as a column. Each column of the array matches to the corresponding column in the :attr:`unmatched_catalogue_image_points` array and the corresponding row in the :attr:`unmatched_catalogue_star_records` DataFrame. This list should always be the same length as the :attr:`.Camera.images` list and each element of this list corresponds to the image in the same element in the :attr:`.Camera.images` list. """ return self._unmatched_catalogue_unit_vectors @property def unmatched_weights_inertial(self) -> List[Optional[np.ndarray]]: """ This list contains the uncertainty of all of the star records queried from the star catalogue that were not matched with an image point of interest for each image in :attr:`camera` from the most recent query to star catalogue (this gets overwritten when the star catalogue is re-queried for the image). The uncertainties are based on the formal uncertainty of the star location according to the star catalogue and are for the unit vector representation. A single value is provided for each unit vector representing the sum of the squares of the uncertainty (the trace of the covariance matrix). Each element of the array matches to the corresponding column in the :attr:`unmatched_catalogue_image_points` array and the corresponding row in the :attr:`unmatched_catalogue_star_records` DataFrame. This list should always be the same length as the :attr:`.Camera.images` list and each element of this list corresponds to the image in the same element in the :attr:`.Camera.images` list. """ return self._unmatched_weights_inertial @property def unmatched_weights_picture(self) -> List[Optional[np.ndarray]]: """ This list contains the uncertainty of all of the star records queried from the star catalogue that were not matched with with an image point of interest for each image in :attr:`camera` from the most recent query to star catalogue (this gets overwritten when the star catalogue is re-queried for the image). The uncertainties are based on the formal uncertainty of the star location according to the star catalogue and are for the pixel representation of the star location. A single value is provided for each unit vector representing the sum of the squares of the uncertainty (the trace of the covariance matrix). Each element of the array matches to the corresponding column in the :attr:`unmatched_catalogue_image_points` array and the corresponding row in the :attr:`unmatched_catalogue_star_records` DataFrame. This list should always be the same length as the :attr:`.Camera.images` list and each element of this list corresponds to the image in the same element in the :attr:`.Camera.images` list. """ return self._unmatched_weights_picture @property def unmatched_extracted_image_points(self) -> List[Optional[np.ndarray]]: """ This list contains the image points of interest that were not matched with a catalogue star for each image in :attr:`camera` from the most recent star identification attempt (this gets overwritten when a new attempt is made at identifying the stars in the image). Each list element is a 2xn array of image points with the x locations (columns) down the first row and the y locations (rows) down the second row. This list should always be the same length as the :attr:`.Camera.images` list and each element of this list corresponds to the image in the same element in the :attr:`.Camera.images` list. """ return self._unmatched_extracted_image_points @property def unmatched_image_illums(self) -> List[Optional[np.ndarray]]: """ This list contains the DN values of the pixel containing the image points of interest that are not matched with a catalogue star for each image in :attr:`camera` from the most recent star identification attempt (this gets overwritten when a new attempt is made at identifying the stars in the image). Each list element is a length n array of image DN values. Each row of the array matches to the corresponding column in the :attr:`unmatched_extracted_image_points` array. This list should always be the same length as the :attr:`.Camera.images` list and each element of this list corresponds to the image in the same element in the :attr:`.Camera.images` list. If no stars have been successfully identified for an image then the corresponding index of the list will be set to ``None``. """ return self._unmatched_image_illums @property def unmatched_stats(self) -> List[Optional[np.ndarray]]: """ This list contains the connected component stats of each object that is not matched with a catalogue star for each image in :attr:`camera` from the most recent star identification attempt (this gets overwritten when a new attempt is made at identifying the stars in the image). Each list element is a length n array of OpenCV connected components statistics. Each row of the array matches to the corresponding column in the :attr:`unmatched_extracted_image_points` array. This list should always be the same length as the :attr:`.Camera.images` list and each element of this list corresponds to the image in the same element in the :attr:`.Camera.images` list. If no stars have been successfully identified for an image then the corresponding index of the list will be set to ``None``. """ return self._unmatched_ip_stats @property def unmatched_snrs(self) -> List[Optional[np.ndarray]]: """ This list contains the peak snr value of each object that is not matched with a catalogue star for each image in :attr:`camera` from the most recent star identification attempt (this gets overwritten when a new attempt is made at identifying the stars in the image). Each list element is a length n array of OpenCV connected components statistics. Each row of the array matches to the corresponding column in the :attr:`unmatched_extracted_image_points` array. This list should always be the same length as the :attr:`.Camera.images` list and each element of this list corresponds to the image in the same element in the :attr:`.Camera.images` list. If no stars have been successfully identified for an image then the corresponding index of the list will be set to ``None``. """ return self._unmatched_ip_snrs @property def unmatched_psfs(self) -> List[Optional[np.ndarray]]: """ This list contains the fit PSF object for each unmatched image point from the most recent star identification attempt (this gets overwritten when a new attempt is made at identifying the stars in the image). This list is only updated if :attr:`.ImageProcessing.save_psf` is set to ``True``. Each list element is a shape n array of PSF objects. Each element of the array matches to the corresponding column in the :attr:`unmatched_catalogue_unit_vectors`, :attr:`unmatched_catalogue_image_points`, and the :attr:`unmatched_extracted_image_points` arrays. The PSF object in each element is the same type as :attr:`.ImageProcessing.centroiding`. See the documentation for the :mod:`.point_spread_functions` package for details. This list should always be the same length as the :attr:`.Camera.images` list and each element of this list corresponds to the image in the same element in the :attr:`.Camera.images` list. """ return self._unmatched_psfs # matched information @property def matched_catalogue_star_records(self) -> List[Optional[pd.DataFrame]]: """ This list contains the star records queried from the star catalogue that were matched with an image point of interest for each image in :attr:`camera` for the most recent star identification attempt (this gets overwritten when a new attempt is made at identifying the stars in the image) Each list element is a pandas DataFrame containing GIANT star records. A GIANT star record has the following columns: ===================== ======== ================================================================================= column units description ===================== ======== ================================================================================= `'ra'` deg The right ascension of the star after correcting for proper motion `'dec'` deg The declination of the star after correcting for proper motion `'distance'` km The distance to the star from the Solar system barycenter (converted from parallax). This column has a default value of 5.428047027e15 if no parallax information is provided by the catalogue. `'ra_proper_motion'` deg/year The proper motion for the right ascension `'dec_proper_motion'` deg/year The proper motion for the declination `'mag'` N/A The apparent magnitude of the star according to the star catalogue `'ra_sigma'` deg The formal uncertainty in the right ascension according to the catalogue `'dec_sigma'` deg The formal uncertainty in the declination according to the catalogue `'distance_sigma'` km The formal uncertainty in the distance according to the catalogue (converted from parallax). This has a default value of 1.9949433041226756e+19 km for stars with no parallax information. `'ra_pm_sigma'` deg/year The formal uncertainty in the right ascension proper motion according to the catalogue `'dec_pm_sigma'` deg/year The formal uncertainty in the declination proper motion according to the catalogue ===================== ======== ================================================================================= Each row of the data frame represents a star record. Each row of the DataFrame matches to the corresponding column in the :attr:`matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_inertial`, :attr:`matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_camera`, :attr:`matched_catalogue_image_points`, and :attr:`matched_extracted_image_points` arrays, and the corresponding row in the :attr:`matched_image_illums` array. This list should always be the same length as the :attr:`.Camera.images` list and each element of this list corresponds to the image in the same element in the :attr:`.Camera.images` list. If no stars have been successfully identified for an image then the corresponding index of the list will be set to ``None``. """ return self._matched_catalogue_star_records @property def matched_catalogue_image_points(self) -> List[Optional[np.ndarray]]: """ This list contains the projections of the star records queried from the star catalogue that were matched with an image point of interest for each image in :attr:`camera` from the most recent star identification attempt (this gets overwritten when a new attempt is made at identifying the stars in the image, and also when a new attitude is solved for the image). Each list element is a 2xn array of image points with the x locations (columns) down the first row and the y locations (rows) down the second row. Each column of the array matches to the corresponding column in the :attr:`matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_inertial`, :attr:`matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_camera`, and :attr:`matched_extracted_image_points` arrays, and the corresponding row in the :attr:`matched_image_illums` and :attr:`matched_catalogue_star_records` arrays. This list should always be the same length as the :attr:`.Camera.images` list and each element of this list corresponds to the image in the same element in the :attr:`.Camera.images` list. If no stars have been successfully identified for an image then the corresponding index of the list will be set to ``None``. """ return self._matched_catalogue_image_points @property def matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_inertial(self) -> List[Optional[np.ndarray]]: """ This list contains the inertial unit vectors of the star records queried from the star catalogue that were matched with an image point of interest for each image in :attr:`camera` from the most recent star identification attempt (this gets overwritten when a new attempt is made at identifying the stars in the image). The unit vectors are the directions to the stars after correcting for proper motion, stellar aberration, and parallax. Each list element is a 3xn array of unit vectors with each unit vector stored as a column. Each column of the array matches to the corresponding column in the :attr:`matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_camera`, :attr:`matched_catalogue_image_points`, and :attr:`matched_extracted_image_points` arrays, and the corresponding rows in the :attr:`matched_image_illums` and :attr:`matched_catalogue_star_records` arrays. This list should always be the same length as the :attr:`.Camera.images` list and each element of this list corresponds to the image in the same element in the :attr:`.Camera.images` list. If no stars have been successfully identified for an image then the corresponding index of the list will be set to ``None``. """ return self._matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_inertial @property def matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_camera(self) -> List[Optional[np.ndarray]]: """ This list contains the camera frame unit vectors of the star records queried from the star catalogue that were matched with an image point of interest for each image in :attr:`camera` from the most recent star identification attempt (this gets overwritten when a new attempt is made at identifying the stars in the image). The unit vectors are the directions to the stars after correcting for proper motion, stellar aberration, and parallax. Each list element is a 3xn array of unit vectors with each unit vector stored as a column. Each column of the array matches to the corresponding column in the :attr:`matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_inertial`, :attr:`matched_catalogue_image_points`, and :attr:`matched_extracted_image_points` arrays, and the corresponding rows in the :attr:`matched_image_illums` and :attr:`matched_catalogue_star_records` arrays. This list should always be the same length as the :attr:`.Camera.images` list and each element of this list corresponds to the image in the same element in the :attr:`.Camera.images` list. If no stars have been successfully identified for an image then the corresponding index of the list will be set to ``None``. """ return self._matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_camera @property def matched_weights_inertial(self) -> List[Optional[np.ndarray]]: """ This list contains the uncertainty of all of the star records queried from the star catalogue that were matched with an image point of interest for each image in :attr:`camera` from the most recent query to star catalogue (this gets overwritten when the star catalogue is re-queried for the image). The uncertainties are based on the formal uncertainty of the star location according to the star catalogue and are for the unit vector representation. A single value is provided for each unit vector representing the sum of the squares of the uncertainty (the trace of the covariance matrix). Each element of the array matches to the corresponding column in the :attr:`matched_catalogue_image_points` array and the corresponding row in the :attr:`matched_catalogue_star_records` DataFrame. This list should always be the same length as the :attr:`.Camera.images` list and each element of this list corresponds to the image in the same element in the :attr:`.Camera.images` list. """ return self._matched_weights_inertial @property def matched_weights_picture(self) -> List[Optional[np.ndarray]]: """ This list contains the uncertainty of all of the star records queried from the star catalogue that were matched with with an image point of interest for each image in :attr:`camera` from the most recent query to star catalogue (this gets overwritten when the star catalogue is re-queried for the image). The uncertainties are based on the formal uncertainty of the star location according to the star catalogue and are for the pixel representation of the star location. A single value is provided for each unit vector representing the sum of the squares of the uncertainty (the trace of the covariance matrix). Each element of the array matches to the corresponding column in the :attr:`matched_catalogue_image_points` array and the corresponding row in the :attr:`matched_catalogue_star_records` DataFrame. This list should always be the same length as the :attr:`.Camera.images` list and each element of this list corresponds to the image in the same element in the :attr:`.Camera.images` list. """ return self._matched_weights_picture @property def matched_extracted_image_points(self) -> List[Optional[np.ndarray]]: """ This list contains the image points of interest that are matched with a catalogue star for each image in :attr:`camera` from the most recent star identification attempt (this gets overwritten when a new attempt is made at identifying the stars in the image). Each list element is a 2xn array of image points with the x locations (columns) down the first row and the y locations (rows) down the second row. Each column of the array matches to the corresponding column in the :attr:`matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_inertial`, :attr:`matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_camera`, and :attr:`matched_catalogue_image_points` arrays, and the corresponding row in the :attr:`matched_image_illums` and :attr:`matched_catalogue_star_records` arrays. This list should always be the same length as the :attr:`.Camera.images` list and each element of this list corresponds to the image in the same element in the :attr:`.Camera.images` list. If no stars have been successfully identified for an image then the corresponding index of the list will be set to ``None``. """ return self._matched_extracted_image_points @property def matched_image_illums(self) -> List[Optional[np.ndarray]]: """ This list contains the DN values of the pixel containing the image points of interest that are matched with a catalogue star for each image in :attr:`camera` from the most recent star identification attempt (this gets overwritten when a new attempt is made at identifying the stars in the image). Each list element is a length n array of image DN values. Each row of the array matches to the corresponding column in the :attr:`matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_inertial`, :attr:`matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_camera`, :attr:`matched_catalogue_image_points`, and :attr:`matched_extracted_image_points` arrays, and the corresponding row in the :attr:`matched_catalogue_star_records` DataFrame. This list should always be the same length as the :attr:`.Camera.images` list and each element of this list corresponds to the image in the same element in the :attr:`.Camera.images` list. If no stars have been successfully identified for an image then the corresponding index of the list will be set to ``None``. """ return self._matched_image_illums @property def matched_stats(self) -> List[Optional[np.ndarray]]: """ This list contains the connected component stats of each object that is matched with a catalogue star for each image in :attr:`camera` from the most recent star identification attempt (this gets overwritten when a new attempt is made at identifying the stars in the image). Each list element is a length n array of opencv connect components statistics. Each row of the array matches to the corresponding column in the :attr:`matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_inertial`, :attr:`matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_camera`, :attr:`matched_catalogue_image_points`, and :attr:`matched_extracted_image_points` arrays, and the corresponding row in the :attr:`matched_catalogue_star_records` DataFrame. This list should always be the same length as the :attr:`.Camera.images` list and each element of this list corresponds to the image in the same element in the :attr:`.Camera.images` list. If no stars have been successfully identified for an image then the corresponding index of the list will be set to ``None``. """ return self._matched_ip_stats @property def matched_snrs(self) -> List[Optional[np.ndarray]]: """ This list contains the peak snr value of each object that is matched with a catalogue star for each image in :attr:`camera` from the most recent star identification attempt (this gets overwritten when a new attempt is made at identifying the stars in the image). Each list element is a length n array of opencv connect components statistics. Each row of the array matches to the corresponding column in the :attr:`matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_inertial`, :attr:`matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_camera`, :attr:`matched_catalogue_image_points`, and :attr:`matched_extracted_image_points` arrays, and the corresponding row in the :attr:`matched_catalogue_star_records` DataFrame. This list should always be the same length as the :attr:`.Camera.images` list and each element of this list corresponds to the image in the same element in the :attr:`.Camera.images` list. If no stars have been successfully identified for an image then the corresponding index of the list will be set to ``None``. """ return self._matched_ip_snrs @property def matched_psfs(self) -> List[Optional[np.ndarray]]: """ This list contains the fit PSF objects for each matched image point from the most recent star identification attempt (this gets overwritten when a new attempt is made at identifying the stars in the image). This list is only updated if :attr:`.ImageProcessing.save_psf` is set to ``True``. Each list element is a shape n array of PSF objects. Each element of the array matches to the corresponding column in the :attr:`matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_inertial`, :attr:`matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_camera`, :attr:`matched_catalogue_image_points`, and :attr:`matched_extracted_image_points` arrays, and the corresponding row in the :attr:`matched_catalogue_star_records` DataFrame. The PSF object in each element is the same type as :attr:`.ImageProcessing.centroiding`. See the documentation for the :mod:`.point_spread_functions` package for details. This list should always be the same length as the :attr:`.Camera.images` list and each element of this list corresponds to the image in the same element in the :attr:`.Camera.images` list. If no stars have been successfully identified for an image then the corresponding index of the list will be set to ``None``. """ return self._matched_psfs # ____________________________________________________ METHODS ________________________________________________
[docs] def reset_star_id(self): """ This method replaces the existing star ID instance with a new instance using the initial ``star_id_kwargs`` argument passed to the constructor. A new instance of the object is created, therefore there is no backwards reference whatsoever to the state before a call to this method. """ if self._initial_star_id_kwargs is not None: self._star_id = StarID(self._camera.model, **self._initial_star_id_kwargs) else: self._star_id = StarID(self._camera.model)
[docs] def update_star_id(self, star_id_update: Optional[dict] = None): """ This method updates the attributes of the :attr:`star_id` attribute. See the :class:`.StellarOpNav` class for accepted attribute values. If a supplied attribute is not found in the :attr:`star_id` attribute then this will print a warning and ignore the attribute. Any attributes that are not supplied are left alone. :param star_id_update: A dictionary of attribute->value pairs to update the attributes of the :attr:`star_id` attribute with. """ if star_id_update is not None: for key, val in star_id_update.items(): if hasattr(self._star_id, key): setattr(self._star_id, key, val) else: warnings.warn("The attribute {0} was not found.\n Cannot update StarID instance".format(key))
[docs] def reset_image_processing(self): """ This method replaces the existing image processing instance with a new instance using the initial ``image_processing_kwargs`` argument passed to the constructor. A new instance of the object is created, therefore there is no backwards reference whatsoever to the state before a call to this method. This method also updates all of the elements of :attr:`process_stars` to ``True``. """ super(StellarOpNav, self).reset_image_processing() for ind in range(len(self.process_stars)): self.process_stars[ind] = True
[docs] def update_image_processing(self, image_processing_update: Optional[dict] = None): """ This method updates the attributes of the :attr:`image_processing` attribute. See the :class:`.ImageProcessing` class for accepted attribute values. If a supplied attribute is not found in the :attr:`image_processing` attribute then this will print a warning and ignore the attribute. Any attributes that are not supplied are left alone. This method also updates all of the elements of :attr:`process_stars` to ``True``. :param image_processing_update: A dictionary of attribute->value pairs to update the attributes of the :attr:`image_processing` attribute with. """ super().update_image_processing(image_processing_update) if image_processing_update is not None: for ind in range(len(self.process_stars)): self.process_stars[ind] = True
[docs] def reset_attitude_estimator(self): """ This method replaces the existing attitude estimator instance with a new instance using the initial ``attitude_estimator_kwargs`` argument passed to the constructor. A new instance of the object is created, therefore there is no backwards reference whatsoever to the state before a call to this method. """ if self._initial_attitude_est_kwargs is not None: self._attitude_est = self._initial_attitude_est(**self._initial_attitude_est_kwargs) else: self._attitude_est = self._initial_attitude_est()
[docs] def update_attitude_estimator(self, attitude_estimator_update: dict): """ This method updates the attributes of the :attr:`attitude_estimator` attribute. See the :mod:`.stellar_opnav.estimators` documentation for accepted attribute values. If a supplied attribute is not found in the :attr:`attitude_estimator` attribute then this will print a warning and ignore the attribute. Any attributes that are not supplied are left alone. :param attitude_estimator_update: A dictionary of attribute->value pairs to update the :attr:`attitude_estimator` attribute with """ if attitude_estimator_update is not None: for key, val in attitude_estimator_update.items(): if hasattr(self._attitude_est, key): setattr(self._attitude_est, key, val) else: warnings.warn("The attribute {0} was not found.\n" "Cannot update attitude estimation instance".format(key))
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
[docs] def id_stars(self): """ This method identifies stars for each image turned on in the :attr:`camera` attribute. The steps for performing the star identification are as follows: #. Potential star locations are extracted from each image using the :meth:`.ImageProcessing.locate_subpixel_poi_in_roi` method for each image (if this step has not been already performed). The subpixel points of interest from this step are then passed to the :class:`.StarID` object as the :attr:`.StarID.extracted_image_points` attribute. #. The :class:`.StarID` object is further updated with the *a priori* attitude, the camera position and velocity, and the observation date for each image. #. The stars are identified using the routines in the :meth:`.StarID.id_stars` method. #. The results from the star identification are stored into the various properties of this class for each image. For more information about the star identification process see the :class:`.StarID` documentation """ image_count_index = 1 number_of_images = sum(self._camera.image_mask) # walk through each turned on image for ind, image in self._camera: start = time.time() # if we need to reprocess the stars then send them through the image processing pipeline if self.process_stars[ind]: # extract subpixel points of interest as potential star locations if self._image_processing.save_psf: if self._image_processing.return_stats: (self._ip_extracted_image_points[ind], self._ip_image_illums[ind], self._ip_psfs[ind], self._ip_stats[ind], self._ip_snrs[ind]) = \ self._image_processing.locate_subpixel_poi_in_roi(image) else: (self._ip_extracted_image_points[ind], self._ip_image_illums[ind], self._ip_psfs[ind]) = self._image_processing.locate_subpixel_poi_in_roi(image) else: if self._image_processing.return_stats: (self._ip_extracted_image_points[ind], self._ip_image_illums[ind], self._ip_stats[ind], self._ip_snrs[ind]) = self._image_processing.locate_subpixel_poi_in_roi(image) else: self._ip_extracted_image_points[ind], self._ip_image_illums[ind] = \ self._image_processing.locate_subpixel_poi_in_roi(image) # discard points inside of extended bodies) if self.scene is not None: if self._ip_extracted_image_points[ind] is not None: self.scene.update(image) for target in self.scene.target_objs: # check that we're close to the FOV boresight_angle = np.arccos(target.position.ravel()[-1] / np.linalg.norm(target.position)) * 180 / np.pi if boresight_angle <= 1.25 * # get the limbs limbs = target.shape.find_limbs(target.position/np.linalg.norm(target.position), _SCAN_VECTORS) limbs_pix =, image=ind, temperature=image.temperature) # make a path for the limb path = Path(limbs_pix.T, closed=True) # check if our points are inside of the limb or not interior = path.contains_points(self._ip_extracted_image_points[ind].T) # throw out interior points self._ip_extracted_image_points[ind] = self._ip_extracted_image_points[ind][:, ~interior] self._ip_image_illums[ind] = self._ip_image_illums[ind][~interior] if self._image_processing.return_stats: self._ip_stats[ind] = np.array(self._ip_stats[ind])[~interior] self._ip_snrs[ind] = np.array(self._ip_snrs[ind])[~interior] if self._image_processing.save_psf: self._ip_psfs[ind] = self._ip_psfs[ind][~interior] # set a flag saying that we don't need to pass this image through the image processing again self.process_stars[ind] = False # supply the star id class with the proper information self._star_id.extracted_image_points = self._ip_extracted_image_points[ind].copy() self._star_id.a_priori_rotation_cat2camera = image.rotation_inertial_to_camera self._star_id.camera_velocity = image.velocity.reshape(3, 1) self._star_id.camera_position = image.position.reshape(3, 1) # identify the stars keep_stars, keep_inliers = self._star_id.id_stars(epoch=image.observation_date, compute_weights=self.use_weights, temperature=image.temperature, image_number=ind) # store the required information self._queried_catalogue_star_records[ind] = self._star_id.queried_catalogue_star_records self._queried_catalogue_image_points[ind] = self._star_id.queried_catalogue_image_points self._queried_catalogue_unit_vectors[ind] = self._star_id.queried_catalogue_unit_vectors self._unmatched_catalogue_star_records[ind] = self._star_id.unmatched_catalogue_star_records self._unmatched_catalogue_image_points[ind] = self._star_id.unmatched_catalogue_image_points self._unmatched_catalogue_unit_vectors[ind] = self._star_id.unmatched_catalogue_unit_vectors self._unmatched_extracted_image_points[ind] = self._star_id.unmatched_extracted_image_points if self.use_weights: self._queried_weights_inertial[ind] = self._star_id.queried_weights_inertial self._queried_weights_picture[ind] = self._star_id.queried_weights_picture self._unmatched_weights_inertial[ind] = self._star_id.unmatched_weights_inertial self._unmatched_weights_picture[ind] = self._star_id.unmatched_weights_picture # if we didn't identify any stars then set the matched variables to None if keep_inliers is None: self._matched_catalogue_star_records[ind] = None self._matched_catalogue_image_points[ind] = None self._matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_inertial[ind] = None self._matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_camera[ind] = None self._matched_extracted_image_points[ind] = None self._matched_image_illums[ind] = None self._matched_psfs[ind] = None self._unmatched_psfs[ind] = None self._matched_ip_stats[ind] = None self._matched_ip_snrs[ind] = None self._unmatched_ip_stats[ind] = self._ip_stats[ind] self._unmatched_ip_snrs[ind] = self._ip_snrs[ind] if self.use_weights: self._matched_weights_inertial[ind] = None self._matched_weights_picture[ind] = None else: self._matched_catalogue_star_records[ind] = self._star_id.matched_catalogue_star_records self._matched_catalogue_image_points[ind] = self._star_id.matched_catalogue_image_points self._matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_inertial[ind] = self._star_id.matched_catalogue_unit_vectors self._matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_camera[ind] = np.matmul( image.rotation_inertial_to_camera.matrix, self._matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_inertial[ind] ) self._matched_extracted_image_points[ind] = self._star_id.matched_extracted_image_points self._matched_image_illums[ind] = self._ip_image_illums[ind][keep_stars][keep_inliers].copy() camera_inds = np.arange(self._ip_extracted_image_points[ind].shape[1]) unmatched_centroid_inds = list({*camera_inds} - {*camera_inds[keep_stars][keep_inliers]}) if self._image_processing.save_psf: self._matched_psfs[ind] = self._ip_psfs[ind][keep_stars][keep_inliers].copy() self._unmatched_psfs[ind] = self._ip_psfs[ind][unmatched_centroid_inds].copy() if self.use_weights: self._matched_weights_inertial[ind] = self._star_id.matched_weights_inertial self._matched_weights_picture[ind] = self._star_id.matched_weights_picture if self._image_processing.return_stats: stat_array = np.array(self._ip_stats[ind]) snr_array = np.array(self._ip_snrs[ind]) self._matched_ip_stats[ind] = stat_array[keep_stars][keep_inliers] self._matched_ip_snrs[ind] = snr_array[keep_stars][keep_inliers] self._unmatched_ip_stats[ind] = stat_array[unmatched_centroid_inds] self._unmatched_ip_snrs[ind] = snr_array[unmatched_centroid_inds] print('image {} of {} done in {:.4g} seconds'.format(image_count_index, number_of_images, time.time() - start), flush=True) image_count_index += 1
[docs] def reproject_stars(self): """ This method updates the unit vectors and reprojects the stars using updated camera and attitude models. The following are updated: * :attr:`matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_camera` * :attr:`matched_catalogue_image_points` * :attr:`queried_catalogue_image_points` * :attr:`unmatched_catalogue_image_points` """ for ind, image in if self._matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_inertial[ind] is None: warnings.warn("No stars identified for image {0}.\n Cannot perform update".format(ind)) else: self._matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_camera[ind] = np.matmul( image.rotation_inertial_to_camera.matrix, self._matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_inertial[ind] ) self._matched_catalogue_image_points[ind] = self._camera.model.project_onto_image( self._matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_camera[ind], image=ind, temperature=image.temperature ) self._queried_catalogue_image_points[ind] = np.matmul(image.rotation_inertial_to_camera.matrix, self._queried_catalogue_unit_vectors[ind]), image=ind, temperature=image.temperature ) self._unmatched_catalogue_image_points[ind] = np.matmul(image.rotation_inertial_to_camera.matrix, self._unmatched_catalogue_unit_vectors[ind]), image=ind, temperature=image.temperature )
[docs] def estimate_attitude(self): """ This method estimates an updated attitude for each image based on the identified stars in the image. For each turned on image in the :attr:`camera` attribute this method provides the attitude estimation routines with the :attr:`matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_inertial`, and the camera frame unit vectors corresponding to the :attr:`matched_extracted_image_points`. The :meth:`~.AttitudeEstimator.estimate()` method of the attitude estimation class is then called, and the resulting solved for rotation is stored as the :attr:`.rotation_inertial_to_camera` attribute for each image. Finally, the updated attitude information is used to update the following: * :attr:`matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_camera` * :attr:`matched_catalogue_image_points` * :attr:`queried_catalogue_image_points` * :attr:`unmatched_catalogue_image_points` The unit vectors in the camera frame for the matched image points are determined using the :meth:`~.CameraModel.pixels_to_unit` method of the camera model. For a more thorough description of the attitude estimation routine see the :mod:`.stellar_opnav.estimators` documentation. When attitude estimation is successful for an image (that is it was attempted and didn't error), then the :attr:`.OpNavImage.pointing_post_fit` flag is updated to ``True``. When attitude estimation isn't successful for an image (it wasn't attempted due to a lack of stars or it failed) the the :attr:`.OpNavImage.pointing_post_fit` is set to ``False`` .. warning:: This method overwrites the attitude information in the :attr:`.rotation_inertial_to_camera` attribute and does not save old information anywhere. If you want this information saved be sure to store it yourself for each image. """ for ind, image in self._camera: if self._matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_inertial[ind] is None: warnings.warn("No stars identified for image {0}.\n Cannot perform attitude estimation".format(ind)) image.pointing_post_fit = False elif self._matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_inertial[ind].reshape(3, -1).shape[-1] < 3: warnings.warn("Not enough stars identified for image {0}.\n " "Cannot perform attitude estimation".format(ind)) image.pointing_post_fit = False else: self._attitude_est.base_frame_directions = self._matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_inertial[ind] self._attitude_est.target_frame_directions = self._camera.model.pixels_to_unit( self._matched_extracted_image_points[ind], image=ind, temperature=image.temperature ) if self.use_weights: # noinspection PyTypeChecker self._attitude_est.weights = 1 / self._matched_weights_inertial[ind] self._attitude_est.weighted_estimation = True else: self._attitude_est.weighted_estimation = False self._attitude_est.estimate() image.rotation_inertial_to_camera = self._attitude_est.rotation image.pointing_post_fit = True self.reproject_stars()
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
[docs] def sid_summary(self, width: int = 15): """ This method generate a summary of the star identification results overall and for each image and prints it to stdout. The summary is a fixed width table with the following columns date, queried, q inside, q outside, poi, matched, m inside, m outside, unmatched q, u q inside, u q outside, u poi. The meaning of each column is specified in the following table: =============== ================================================================================================ column description =============== ================================================================================================ ``date`` The UTC observation date for the image this line corresponds to ``queried`` The total number of stars that were queried from the catalogue ``q inside`` The number of queried catalogue stars that were within the FOV of the camera ``q outside`` The number of queried catalogue stars that were outside the FOV of the camera ``poi`` The total number of points of interest that were identified in the image by the image processing algorithms ``matched`` The total number of matched (identified) stars ``m inside`` The number of matched stars that fall within the field of view of the camera using the current attitude ``m outside`` The number of matched stars that fall outside of the field of view of the camera using the current attitude ``unmatched q`` The total number of unmatched catalogue locations ``u q inside`` The number of unmatched catalogue locations that fall inside of the field of view of the camera using the current attitude ``u q outside`` The number of unmatched catalogue locations that fall outside of the field of view of the camera using the current attitude ``u poi`` The number of points of interested that where identified by the image processing routines in the image that were not matched with a catalogue star. =============== ================================================================================================ This method also prints out a total row which sums each column using the same format. There is one optional input for this method, ``width`` which specifies the width for each column of the table. You should not set this below 15 due to the length of the UTC date strings :param width: The width of the fixed width table columns in characters """ # initialize the sum variables total_queried = 0 total_inside_fov = 0 total_outside_fov = 0 total_extracted_image_points = 0 total_matched = 0 total_matched_inside_fov = 0 total_matched_outside_fov = 0 total_catalogue_unmatched = 0 total_catalogue_unmatched_inside_fov = 0 total_catalogue_unmatched_outside_fov = 0 total_image_poi_unmatched = 0 # form and print the header header = (('{:^' + str(width) + '} ') * 12).format('date', 'queried', 'q inside', 'q outside', 'poi', 'matched', 'm inside', 'm outside', 'unmatched q', 'u q inside', 'u q outside', 'u poi') print(header) # form the template for the data rows template = '{:^' + str(width) + '} ' + ('{:^' + str(width) + 'd} ') * 11 # loop through each turned on image for ind, image in # get the number of queried stars inside and outside the field of view) if self._queried_catalogue_star_records[ind] is None: number_queried = 0 number_inside_fov = 0 number_outside_fov = 0 else: number_queried = self._queried_catalogue_star_records[ind].shape[0] inside_fov = ((self._queried_catalogue_image_points[ind] >= 0) & (self._queried_catalogue_image_points[ind] <= [[], []])).all(axis=0) number_inside_fov = inside_fov.sum() number_outside_fov = (~inside_fov).sum() # get the number of image points if self._ip_extracted_image_points[ind] is None: number_extracted_image_points = 0 else: number_extracted_image_points = self._ip_extracted_image_points[ind].shape[1] # get the number of matched points if self._matched_extracted_image_points[ind] is not None: number_matched = self._matched_extracted_image_points[ind].shape[1] else: number_matched = 0 # get the number of unmatched stars inside and outside the field of view if self._unmatched_catalogue_star_records[ind] is None: number_unmatched_catalogue = 0 number_unmatched_catalogue_inside_fov = 0 number_unmatched_catalogue_outside_fov = 0 else: number_unmatched_catalogue = self._unmatched_catalogue_star_records[ind].shape[0] unmatched_catalogue_inside_fov = ( (self._unmatched_catalogue_image_points[ind] >= 0) & (self._unmatched_catalogue_image_points[ind] <= [[], []]) ).all(axis=0) number_unmatched_catalogue_inside_fov = unmatched_catalogue_inside_fov.sum() number_unmatched_catalogue_outside_fov = (~unmatched_catalogue_inside_fov).sum() # get the number of matched stars inside and outside the field of view if self._matched_catalogue_image_points[ind] is None: number_matched_catalogue_inside_fov = 0 number_matched_catalogue_outside_fov = 0 else: matched_catalogue_inside_fov = ( (self._matched_catalogue_image_points[ind] >= 0) & (self._matched_catalogue_image_points[ind] <= [[], []]) ).all(axis=0) number_matched_catalogue_inside_fov = matched_catalogue_inside_fov.sum() number_matched_catalogue_outside_fov = (~matched_catalogue_inside_fov).sum() # get the number of unmatched points if self._unmatched_extracted_image_points[ind] is None: number_unmatched_poi = 0 else: number_unmatched_poi = self._unmatched_extracted_image_points[ind].shape[1] # print the row for the current image print(template.format(image.observation_date.strftime('%m/%d/%y %H:%M'), number_queried, number_inside_fov, number_outside_fov, number_extracted_image_points, number_matched, number_matched_catalogue_inside_fov, number_matched_catalogue_outside_fov, number_unmatched_catalogue, number_unmatched_catalogue_inside_fov, number_unmatched_catalogue_outside_fov, number_unmatched_poi)) # update the totals total_queried += number_queried total_inside_fov += number_inside_fov total_outside_fov += number_outside_fov total_extracted_image_points += number_extracted_image_points total_matched += number_matched total_matched_inside_fov += number_matched_catalogue_inside_fov total_matched_outside_fov += number_matched_catalogue_outside_fov total_catalogue_unmatched += number_unmatched_catalogue total_catalogue_unmatched_inside_fov += number_unmatched_catalogue_inside_fov total_catalogue_unmatched_outside_fov += number_unmatched_catalogue_outside_fov total_image_poi_unmatched += number_unmatched_poi # print the total row print('\n\n') print(template.format('total', total_queried, total_inside_fov, total_outside_fov, total_extracted_image_points, total_matched, total_matched_inside_fov, total_matched_outside_fov, total_catalogue_unmatched, total_catalogue_unmatched_inside_fov, total_catalogue_unmatched_outside_fov, total_image_poi_unmatched))
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
[docs] def matched_star_residuals(self, image_num: int) -> NONEARRAY: """ This method calculates the residuals for matched stars for a given image number in the :attr:`camera` attribute. :param image_num: The index of the image in the :attr:`camera` attribute. """ if self._matched_catalogue_image_points[image_num] is None: warnings.warn("No stars identified for image {0}.\n Cannot calculate residuals".format(image_num)) else: cat_locs = self._matched_catalogue_image_points[image_num] # type: np.ndarray return cat_locs - self._matched_extracted_image_points[image_num]
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
[docs] def remove_matched_stars(self, image_num: int, star_indices: ARRAY_LIKE): """ This method removes specified matched stars for a given image number in the :attr:`camera` attribute. This method updates the following: * :attr:`matched_catalogue_star_records` * :attr:`matched_catalogue_image_points` * :attr:`matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_inertial` * :attr:`matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_camera` * :attr:`matched_extracted_image_points` * :attr:`matched_image_illums` * :attr:`matched_stats` * :attr:`matched_snrs` * :attr:`matched_psfs` * :attr:`matched_weights_inertial` * :attr:`matched_weights_picture` :param image_num: The index of the image in the :attr:`camera` attribute. :param star_indices: The list of indices of matched stars to be removed from the specified image in the :attr:`camera` attribute. """ if self._matched_catalogue_image_points[image_num] is None: warnings.warn("No stars identified for image {0}.\n Cannot remove matched stars".format(image_num)) else: indices_desired = np.ones(self._matched_catalogue_image_points[image_num].shape[1], dtype=bool) indices_desired[star_indices] = False self._matched_catalogue_image_points[image_num] = \ self._matched_catalogue_image_points[image_num][:, indices_desired] self._matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_camera[image_num] = \ self._matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_camera[image_num][:, indices_desired] self._matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_inertial[image_num] = \ self._matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_inertial[image_num][:, indices_desired] self._matched_catalogue_star_records[image_num] = \ self._matched_catalogue_star_records[image_num].loc[indices_desired] self._matched_extracted_image_points[image_num] = \ self._matched_extracted_image_points[image_num][:, indices_desired] self._matched_image_illums[image_num] = self._matched_image_illums[image_num][indices_desired] if self._image_processing.return_stats: self._matched_ip_snrs[image_num] = self._matched_ip_snrs[image_num][indices_desired] self._matched_ip_stats[image_num] = self._matched_ip_stats[image_num][indices_desired] if self._image_processing.save_psf: self._matched_psfs[image_num] = self._matched_psfs[image_num][indices_desired] if self._matched_weights_inertial[image_num] is not None: self._matched_weights_inertial[image_num] = self._matched_weights_inertial[image_num][indices_desired] if self._matched_weights_picture[image_num] is not None: self._matched_weights_picture[image_num] = self._matched_weights_picture[image_num][indices_desired]
@staticmethod def _get_outliers(data: np.ndarray, sigma_cutoff: Real, hard_threshold: Real) -> np.ndarray: """ Get possible outliers using both a Median Absolute Deviation (MAD) check and a hard threshold check. :param data: The data to check for outliers :param sigma_cutoff: The sigma value for the MAD check :param hard_threshold: The hard threshold to use on the norm of the residuals :return: A boolean array of possible outliers """ x_outliers = get_outliers(data[0], sigma_cutoff=sigma_cutoff) y_outliers = get_outliers(data[1], sigma_cutoff=sigma_cutoff) total = np.linalg.norm(data, axis=0) total_outliers = get_outliers(total, sigma_cutoff=sigma_cutoff) return x_outliers | y_outliers | total_outliers | (total >= hard_threshold) def _review_image_outliers(self, image_num: int, sigma_cutoff: Real, hard_threshold: Real) -> List[int]: """ This method identifies potential outliers for the specified image and shows the possible outliers to the user for manual review. Any outliers the user chooses to remove will be returns as a list of the indices of the removed outliers :param image_num: image number :return: The indices to remove within image """ from .visualizer import show_outlier indices_to_remove = [] residuals = self.matched_star_residuals(image_num) outliers = self._get_outliers(residuals, sigma_cutoff, hard_threshold) # Plot stars with residuals above threshold for i in range(len(residuals[0])): if outliers[i]: shown_outlier = show_outlier(self, i, image_num, residuals) if shown_outlier.removed: indices_to_remove.append(i) return indices_to_remove
[docs] def review_outliers(self, sigma_cutoff: Real = 3, hard_threshold: Real = 5): """ This method review outliers for all images within a camera object and allows for them to be removed through a simple gui. Possible outliers are identified either using :func:`.get_outliers` or through a hard threshold. The ``sigma_cutoff`` is passed to the same argument in the :func:`.get_outliers`. The ``hard_threshold`` is used to identify possible outliers by simply thresholding the total pixel error (sqrt(x**2+y**2)). All possible outliers from either method are shown to the user for possible manual removal using the :func:`.show_outlier` function. For automated outlier removal see the :meth:`remove_outliers` method. :param sigma_cutoff: the sigma threshold to use in the Median Absolute Deviation check :param hard_threshold: The hard threshold to use in units of pixels """ for image_num, _ in indices_to_remove = self._review_image_outliers(image_num, sigma_cutoff, hard_threshold) # Remove any stars that were identified for removal in outlier_check if indices_to_remove: self.remove_matched_stars(image_num, indices_to_remove)
[docs] def remove_outliers(self, sigma_cutoff: Real = 3, hard_threshold: Real = 5): """ This method removes outliers for all images within a camera object. Outliers are identified using :func:`.get_outliers` and through a hard threshold. The ``sigma_cutoff`` is passed to the same argument in the :func:`.get_outliers`. The ``hard_threshold`` is used to identify possible outliers by simply thresholding the total pixel error (sqrt(x**2+y**2)). All possible outliers from either method are removed. :param sigma_cutoff: the sigma threshold to use in the Median Absolute Deviation check :param hard_threshold: The hard threshold to use in units of pixels """ for image_num, _ in residuals = self.matched_star_residuals(image_num) if residuals.size: outliers = self._get_outliers(residuals, sigma_cutoff, hard_threshold) if outliers.any(): indices = np.argwhere(outliers).ravel() self.remove_matched_stars(image_num, indices)
def clear_results(self): """ This clears all results arrays and resets them to their original values. Note that you cannot retrieve data anymore once this is called unless you have saved it yourself, therefore caution is urged. """ number_images = len(self._camera.images) self._ip_extracted_image_points = [None] * number_images self._ip_image_illums = [None] * number_images self._ip_psfs = [None] * number_images self._ip_stats = [None] * number_images self._ip_snrs = [None] * number_images self.process_stars = [True] * number_images self._queried_catalogue_star_records = [None] * number_images self._queried_catalogue_image_points = [None] * number_images self._queried_catalogue_unit_vectors = [None] * number_images self._queried_weights_inertial = [None] * number_images self._queried_weights_picture = [None] * number_images self._unmatched_catalogue_star_records = [None] * number_images self._unmatched_catalogue_image_points = [None] * number_images self._unmatched_catalogue_unit_vectors = [None] * number_images self._unmatched_extracted_image_points = [None] * number_images self._unmatched_psfs = [None] * number_images self._unmatched_image_illums = [None] * number_images self._unmatched_weights_inertial = [None] * number_images self._unmatched_weights_picture = [None] * number_images self._unmatched_ip_stats = [None] * number_images self._unmatched_ip_snrs = [None] * number_images self._matched_catalogue_star_records = [None] * number_images self._matched_catalogue_image_points = [None] * number_images self._matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_inertial = [None] * number_images self._matched_extracted_image_points = [None] * number_images self._matched_weights_inertial = [None] * number_images self._matched_weights_picture = [None] * number_images self._matched_psfs = [None] * number_images self._matched_image_illums = [None] * number_images self._matched_catalogue_unit_vectors_camera = [None] * number_images self._matched_ip_stats = [None] * number_images self._matched_ip_snrs = [None] * number_images