Source code for giant.opnav_class

# Copyright 2021 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space
# Administration.  No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S. Code. All Other Rights Reserved.

The opnav_class module provides an OpNav object that serves as the foundation for other high-level user
interface objects throughout GIANT.

Essentially, the OpNav class serves as a container for both a :class:`.Camera` and
:class:`.ImageProcessing` instance, and then provides aliases (in the way of properties) to be able to access a few
of the attributes of these instances directly from the OpNav class instance.


In general, the OpNav class is not used directly in any setups.  Instead, it is used as the super class for other high
level user interface classes, such as :class:`.StellarOpNav` and :class:`.RelativeOpNav`.  For instance, say we want to
create a new high-level interface class called MyAwesomeNewOpNav.  If we subclass the OpNav class when creating this
new class then we automatically get a ``camera`` attribute, a ``image_processing`` attribute, and a few aliases to the
attributes of the camera and image processing instances

    >>> from giant.opnav_class import OpNav
    >>> from import Camera
    >>> class MyAwesomeNewOpNav(OpNav):
    ...     def __init__(self, camera, image_processing, image_processing_kwargs):
    ...         super().__init__(camera, image_processing=image_processing,
    ...                          image_processing_kwargs=image_processing_kwargs)
    ...         self.new_attribute = 2
    >>> inst = MyAwesomeNewOpNav(Camera())
    >>> hasattr(inst, 'camera')
    >>> hasattr(inst, 'image_processing')

from typing import Callable, Union, Iterable, Optional
import warnings

from giant._typing import ARRAY_LIKE_2D, PATH
from giant.image_processing import ImageProcessing
from import Camera
from giant.camera_models import CameraModel

[docs]class OpNav: """ This serves as a container for :class:`.Camera` and :class:`.ImageProcessing` instances and provides aliases to quickly access their attributes from an instance of this class. This class is rarely used as is, and instead is used as a super class for new OpNav user interfaces. """ def __init__(self, camera: Camera, image_processing: Optional[ImageProcessing] = None, image_processing_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None): """ :param camera: An instance of :class:`.Camera` that is to have OpNav performed on it :param image_processing: An already initialized instance of :class:`.ImageProcessing` (or a subclass). If not ``None`` then ``image_processing_kwargs`` are ignored. :param image_processing_kwargs: The keyword arguments to pass to the :class:`.ImageProcessing` class constructor. These are ignored if argument ``image_processing`` is not ``None`` """ self._camera = None = camera if image_processing is None: if image_processing_kwargs is not None: self._image_processing = ImageProcessing(**image_processing_kwargs) else: self._image_processing = ImageProcessing() else: self._image_processing = image_processing # store the initial image processing key_word_arguments self._initial_image_processing_kwargs = image_processing_kwargs def __repr__(self) -> str: ip_dict = {} for key, value in self._image_processing.__dict__.items(): if not key.startswith("_"): ip_dict[key] = value return (self.__module__ + "." + self.__class__.__name__ + "(" + repr(self._camera) + ", image_processing_kwargs=" + str(ip_dict) + ")") def __str__(self) -> str: ip_dict = {} for key, value in self._image_processing.__dict__.items(): if isinstance(value, Callable): value = value.__module__ + "." + value.__name__ if not key.startswith("_"): ip_dict[key] = value return (self.__module__ + "." + self.__class__.__name__ + "(" + str(self._camera) + ", image_processing_kwargs=" + str(ip_dict) + ")") # ____________________________________________Camera Properties____________________________________________ @property def camera(self) -> Camera: """ The camera instance to perform OpNav on. This should be an instance of the :class:`.Camera` class or one of its subclasses. See the :class:`.Camera` class documentation for more details """ return self._camera @camera.setter def camera(self, val): if isinstance(val, Camera): self._camera = val else: warnings.warn("The camera should probably be an object that subclasses the Camera class\n" "We'll assume you know what you're doing for now but " "see the Camera documentation for details") self._camera = val
[docs] def add_images(self, data: Union[Iterable[Union[PATH, ARRAY_LIKE_2D]], PATH, ARRAY_LIKE_2D], parse_data: bool = True, preprocessor: bool = True): """ This method adds new images to be processed. Generally this is an alias to the :meth:`.Camera.add_images` method. In some implementations, however, this method adds some functionality to the original method as well. (such as in the :class:`.StellarOpNav` class) See :meth:`.Camera.add_images` for a description of the valid input for `data` :param data: The image data to be stored in the :attr:`.images` list :param parse_data: A flag to specify whether to attempt to parse the metadata automatically for the images :param preprocessor: A flag to specify whether to run the preprocessor after loading an image. """, parse_data=parse_data, preprocessor=preprocessor)
@property def model(self) -> CameraModel: """ This alias returns the current camera model from the camera attribute. It is provided for convenience since the camera model is used frequently. """ return self._camera.model @model.setter def model(self, val: CameraModel): self._camera.model = val # ____________________________________________ImageProcessing Aliases____________________________________________ @property def image_processing(self) -> ImageProcessing: """ The ImageProcessing instance to use when doing image processing on the images This must be an instance of the :class:`.ImageProcessing` class. See the :class:`.ImageProcessing` class documentation for more details """ return self._image_processing @image_processing.setter def image_processing(self, val): if isinstance(val, ImageProcessing): self._image_processing = val else: warnings.warn("The image_processing object should probably subclass the ImageProcessing class\n" "We'll assume you know what you're doing for now, but " "see the ImageProcessing documentation for details") self._image_processing = val # ____________________________________________METHODS____________________________________________
[docs] def reset_image_processing(self): """ This method replaces the existing image processing instance with a new instance using the initial ``image_processing_kwargs`` argument passed to the constructor. A new instance of the object is created, therefore there is no backwards reference whatsoever to the state before a call to this method. """ if self._initial_image_processing_kwargs is not None: self._image_processing = ImageProcessing(**self._initial_image_processing_kwargs) else: self._image_processing = ImageProcessing()
[docs] def update_image_processing(self, image_processing_update: Optional[dict] = None): """ This method updates the attributes of the :attr:`image_processing` instance. See the :class:`.ImageProcessing` class for accepted attribute values. If a supplied attribute is not found in the :attr:`image_processing` attribute then this will print a warning and ignore the attribute. Any attributes that are not supplied are left alone. :param image_processing_update: A dictionary of attribute->value pairs to update the attributes of the :attr:`image_processing` attribute with. """ if image_processing_update is not None: for key, val in image_processing_update.items(): if hasattr(self._image_processing, key): setattr(self._image_processing, key, val) else: warnings.warn("The attribute {0} was not found.\n" "Cannot update ImageProcessing instance".format(key))