Source code for giant.calibration.visualizer

# Copyright 2021 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space
# Administration.  No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S. Code. All Other Rights Reserved.

This module provides utilities for visually inspecting calibration and alignment results.

Throughout this module, the visualizations created can either be displayed interactively on-screen or saved directly to
a PDF file.  To save to a PDF file, simply provide the optional argument ``pdf_name`` to each function.  To display the
plot interactively, leave the ``pdf_name`` argument alone or set it to ``None``.

All of the functions in this module assume that at minimum the :meth:`.Calibration.id_stars` has been called. This
means you can use many of these functions to generate prefit plots for comparison with post-fit plots if you so desire.

This module imports the pertinent functions from the :mod:`.stellar_opnav.visualizer` module for convenience

from typing import Optional
from copy import deepcopy

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages

from .calibration_class import Calibration
from ..rotations import quaternion_to_euler, euler_to_rotmat, Rotation
from ..camera_models import CameraModel
from .._typing import PATH

# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
from ..stellar_opnav.visualizer import (show_id_results, residual_histograms, plot_residuals_vs_magnitude,

[docs]def plot_focal_length_temperature_dependence(calib: Calibration, show_individual_focal_lengths: bool = True, pdf_name: Optional[PATH] = None): """ This function generates a figure of the camera model's focal length temperature dependence. The temperature dependence is shown over the range of temperatures of the camera for the images currently contained in the images in the camera as a line. Optionally, if ``show_individual_focal_lengths`` is set to ``True``, this function will go through and estimate just the focal length with no temperature dependence for each image individually (holding all other parameters of the camera model fixed) and plot these individual focal lengths as a scatter plot on the figure. If this is requested, then :meth:`~.Calibration.id_stars` must have been called at least once. Note that this function assumes that the camera model being estimated is a subclass of :class:`.PinholeModel` here and that it follows the same convention for the temperature dependence as the :class:`.PinholeModel`. If the camera model being estimated does not implement a :meth:`~.PinholeModel.get_temperature_scale` then this function will raise an exception. Additionally, if it deviates significantly from the :class:`.PinholeModel` and its subclasses in the way it handles focal length/temperature dependence this function will likely run into issues, therefore it is recommended to either use one of the existing GIANT :class:`.PinholeModel` subclasses or be extra careful in how you implement your own camera model to mimic the :class:`.PinholeModel` :raises ValueError: if the camera model doesn't implement a :meth:`~.PinholeModel.get_temperature_scale` method. :param calib: The calibration object to plot the results for :param show_individual_focal_lengths: A boolean flag specifying whether to plot the individual focal lengths for each image :param pdf_name: Save the plot to this file name as a pdf """ if not hasattr(calib.model, 'get_temperature_scale'): raise ValueError('The camera model must implement temperature dependence to use this function through the ' 'get_temperature_scale method to use this function.') # get the list of temperatures under consideration temperatures = np.array([image.temperature for _, image in]) # get the temperature scales temp_scale = calib.model.get_temperature_scale(temperatures) # make the figure and axes fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # check if this is a single focal length model or a double focal length model and handle accordingly double_focal_length = False if hasattr(calib.model, 'fx'): # double focal length: fx_temp_fit = abs(calib.model.fx) * temp_scale fy_temp_fit = abs(calib.model.fy) * temp_scale ax.plot(temperatures, fx_temp_fit, color='red', label='focal_x') ax.plot(temperatures, fy_temp_fit, color='blue', label='focal_y') plt.ylabel('Focal Length, pix') double_focal_length = True else: # single focal length f_temp_fit = calib.model.focal_length * temp_scale ax.plot(temperatures, f_temp_fit, color='red', label='focal_length') plt.ylabel('Focal Length, mm') plt.xlabel('Temperature, (deg C)') if show_individual_focal_lengths: # work on a copy of the model orig_model = calib.model model_copy = orig_model.copy() calib.model = model_copy # only estimate the focal length parameters if double_focal_length: calib.model.estimation_parameters = ['fx', 'fy'] else: calib.model.estimation_parameters = ['focal_length'] # reset the temperature coefficients calib.model.temperature_coefficients[:] = 0 # get a copy of the current image mask from the camera orig_mask = deepcopy( focal_lengths = [] # loop through each turned on image for ind, image in # if stars were found for this image, call estimate_calibration to get an updated focal length if ((calib.matched_catalogue_star_records[ind] is not None) and (not calib.matched_catalogue_star_records[ind].empty)): # turn off all but this image[ind] = True # estimate the focal length calib.estimate_calibration() # reset the image mask to its original value = deepcopy(orig_mask) # store the updated focal length if double_focal_length: focal_lengths.append([abs(calib.model.fx), abs(calib.model.fy)]) else: focal_lengths.append(calib.model.focal_length) else: if double_focal_length: focal_lengths.append([None, None]) else: focal_lengths.append(None) # scatter the individual focal lengths if double_focal_length: fx, fy = np.array(focal_lengths).T ax.scatter(temperatures, fx, color='red') ax.scatter(temperatures, fy, color='blue') else: ax.scatter(temperatures, np.array(focal_lengths), color='red') # put things back the way it was calib.model = orig_model plt.legend() if pdf_name: pdf = PdfPages(pdf_name) pdf.savefig(fig) pdf.close() plt.close(fig) else:
[docs]def plot_distortion_map(model: CameraModel, pdf_name: Optional[PATH] = None): """ This function produces a distortion map for the provided camera model. If the `pdf_name` param is provided, the figure will be saved to a pdf file of the same name, and the figure will not be displayed to the user. :param model: The camera model to generate the distortion map for :param pdf_name: Used as the file name for saving the figure to pdf """ r, c, d = model.distortion_map((model.n_rows, model.n_cols), 100) fig = plt.figure() cs = plt.contour(c, r, np.linalg.norm(d, axis=0).reshape(r.shape)) plt.gca().quiver(c, r, *d, angles='xy', scale_units='xy', color='black', width=0.0005, headwidth=20, headlength=20) plt.clabel(cs, inline=True, fontsize=10) plt.xlabel('Column, pix') plt.ylabel('Row, pix') if pdf_name: pdf = PdfPages(pdf_name) pdf.savefig(fig) pdf.close() plt.close(fig) else:
[docs]def plot_alignment_residuals(calib: Calibration, pdf_name: Optional[PATH] = None): """ This function plots the residual alignment errors per image as roll/pitch/yaw for both the estimated static and temperature alignments (if done). The residual plots are generated by comparing the current values of :attr:`Image.rotation_inertial_to_camera` to ``calib...._alignment*calib.alignment_base_frame_func(image.observation_date)`` and converting the residual into roll, pitch, yaw Tait-Bryan angles (xyz) rotation. This function will generate 1 figure for each type of alignment that has been performed, plotting the residuals versus camera temperature. The residuals are computed as the rotation from the computed frame using the estimated alignment to the observed frame for each image. .. Note:: This function will take into account misalignment estimated in the camera model itself if it finds one, however, it is recommended that before calling this function you reset the misalignment to 0 in the camera model and then call :meth:`~.Calibration.estimate_attitude` again before using this function. You should have called at least one of :meth:`~.Calibration.estimate_static_alignment` or :meth:`~.Calibration.estimate_temperature_dependent_alignment` before using this function. In addition, you should have called method :meth:`~.Calibration.estimate_attitude` for the results generated from this function to be meaningful. Finally, the :attr:`~.Calibration.alignment_base_frame_func` must not be ``None``. If the ``pdf_name`` param is provided, the figures will be saved to a pdf file of the same name, and will not be displayed interactively. :raises ValueError: If both :attr:`~.Calibration.static_alignment` and :attr:`~.Calibration.temperature_dependent_alignment` are ``None`` or if :attr:`~.Calibration.alignment_base_frame_func` is ``None``. :param calib: The :class:`.Calibration` instance :param pdf_name: Used as the file name for saving the figures to a pdf """ if (calib.static_alignment is None) and (calib.temperature_dependent_alignment is None): raise ValueError('One form of alignment must have been estimated before using this function.' 'Please call estimate_static_alignment or estimate_temperature_dependent_alignment from the ' 'calibration object before using this function') if calib.alignment_base_frame_func is None: raise ValueError('The alignment base frame function must not be None to use this function.') temperatures = [] static_residuals = [[], [], []] temperature_residuals = [[], [], []] for ind, image in # check if any stars were identified for this image if not calib.matched_catalogue_star_records[ind].empty: temperatures.append(image.temperature) measured = image.rotation_inertial_to_camera * calib.alignment_base_frame_func(image.observation_date).inv() # take into account the camera model misalignment if hasattr(calib.model, 'get_misalignment'): measured = calib.model.get_misalignment(ind)*measured if calib.static_alignment is not None: static_err = quaternion_to_euler(measured * calib.static_alignment.inv()) static_residuals[0].append(static_err[0]*1000) # in milliradians static_residuals[1].append(static_err[1]*1000) # in milliradians static_residuals[2].append(static_err[2]*1000) # in milliradians if calib.temperature_dependent_alignment is not None: temperature_err = quaternion_to_euler( measured * Rotation( euler_to_rotmat(calib.temperature_dependent_alignment@[1, image.temperature], order=calib.temperature_dependent_alignment_estimator.order) ).inv() ) temperature_residuals[0].append(temperature_err[0]*1000) # in milliradians temperature_residuals[1].append(temperature_err[1]*1000) # in milliradians temperature_residuals[2].append(temperature_err[2]*1000) # in milliradians if pdf_name is not None: pdf = PdfPages(pdf_name) else: pdf = None if calib.static_alignment is not None: fig = plt.figure() plt.scatter(temperatures, static_residuals[0], color='red', label=r'pitch, $\mathbf{x}_C$') plt.scatter(temperatures, static_residuals[1], color='blue', label=r'yaw, $\mathbf{y}_C$') plt.scatter(temperatures, static_residuals[2], color='green', label=r'roll, $\mathbf{z}_C$') plt.title('Static Alignment Residuals vs Temperature\n' 'Standard Deviation ({:.3g}, {:.3g}, {:.3g})'.format(np.std(static_residuals[0]), np.std(static_residuals[1]), np.std(static_residuals[2]))) plt.xlabel('temperature, deg C') plt.ylabel('Computed to Measured Residuals, mrad') try: plt.legend().draggable() except AttributeError: plt.legend().set_draggable(True) if pdf: pdf.savefig(fig) plt.close(fig) if calib.temperature_dependent_alignment is not None: fig = plt.figure() plt.scatter(temperatures, temperature_residuals[0], color='red', label=r'pitch, $\mathbf{x}_C$') plt.scatter(temperatures, temperature_residuals[1], color='blue', label=r'yaw, $\mathbf{y}_C$') plt.scatter(temperatures, temperature_residuals[2], color='green', label=r'roll, $\mathbf{z}_C$') plt.title('Temperature Dependent Alignment Residuals vs Temperature\n' 'Standard Deviation ({:.3g}, {:.3g}, {:.3g})'.format(np.std(temperature_residuals[0]), np.std(temperature_residuals[1]), np.std(temperature_residuals[2]))) plt.xlabel('temperature, deg C') plt.ylabel('Computed to Measured Residuals, mrad') try: plt.legend().draggable() except AttributeError: plt.legend().set_draggable(True) if pdf: pdf.savefig(fig) plt.close(fig) if pdf_name: pdf.close() else: